From Tenshey, Inc.

Now that Spring has arrived, there is a freshness that comes with the sunshine and warmer days that encourages us to tidy up our environment. An often-overlooked part of spring cleaning is giving your workspace and career a refresh. Here are a few suggestions on creating a work environment that helps you make the most of your space and keep yourself organized.

  • The critical first step of spring cleaning is decluttering. Clear off your desk, clean out your inbox, and even consider donating any of your work wardrobe that you no longer wear.
  • Put new systems of organization into place. Add a hanging calendar to your wall to write down important dates, end each day by writing down what you plan to focus on the following day, or put up some hooks to hang your jackets and bags instead of putting them on the floor next to your desk. Create whatever systems work for you and commit to them. The goal is to develop patterns and systems that prevent your workspace from becoming disorganized and overwhelming in the long-term.
  • Take stock of your career and figure out if you’re moving in the direction you want to. Take this time to make a list of projects you’ve worked on and accomplishments you’re proud of from the previous year. After you’ve done that, schedule time to speak with your manager and discuss a plan for your growth.

Mindfulness about the state of your work environment will spill over into your professional life. If you prioritize organization, planning, and finding things that work for you, it will become easier to organize, plan, and learn about your professional working strategies. You can also come back to this list throughout the remainder of the year as a refresher.



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